The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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918 lines
Version 1.50
Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Member, Association of Shareware Professionals
MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
1988,1989 by Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush. All Rights Reserved. You may
use, copy, and distribute this software provided that all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
- The software is distributed complete and without any modification,
addition, or omission, including all text and ancillary files. No
fee may be charged in connection with the distribution of this
software except as specified in the file called VENDOR.DOC which is
part of this software.
- It may not be distributed on the same diskette with other software
or text or other files without express prior written permission from
the author (except as indicated in the accompanying file
VENDOR.DOC). Files on distribution diskettes shall not be
- No part of the Reference Manual may be copied or distributed in any
- The software is not distributed as part of or in conjunction
with any other software package, or in conjunction with or as part
of or installed on any computer or hardware system, without the
express prior written permission of the author.
- ii -
MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Version 1.50
Please read the README.DOC file (type README)
* CAUTION: Do NOT run SNAPSHOT before reading this file *
The following tutorial is intended to allow you to start using MAGIC
BRUSH and MAGIC SHOW right away. It is not intended to replace the
Magic Brush Reference Manual, which you should consult for detailed
information, and for many features that cannot be covered in a quick
tutorial. The Manual also contains many hints and suggestions.
This tutorial will guide you, step by step, through various commands
in order to acquaint you with the mode of operation of the program.
After you go through it, please read the Reference Manual in order to
be able to fully utilize all the features of MAGIC BRUSH, MAGIC SHOW,
SNAPSHOT, and MB.TP provided as part of Magic Brush. Also please
refer to the Manual if you would like to configure MAGIC BRUSH to read
picture files and library files by default from subdirectories or
drives you specify, or if you would like to configure it to work with
a mouse or joystick (including modifying the function of the mouse or
joystick buttons).
Run Magic Brush Load MAGIC BRUSH: type MB and press ENTER
Cursor movement The cursor appears in the middle of the screen.
To move the cursor, press one of the eight
cursor keys (on the numeric keypad) in the
desired direction. If the cursor does not
respond, it may be that Num Lock is "on": press
the Num Lock key once to set the keypad in the
cursor mode. Each press of a cursor key moves
Cursor lost? the cursor one pixel. If you lose the cursor,
[H] press [H] to put it in the center of your screen
(if that fails, perhaps you inadvertently
changed its color to the background color: try
pressing the + key on the numeric keypad to
change pen color.
Pen down [Ins] Press [Ins] for PEN DOWN. Now moving the
pen up [Del] cursor will allow you to draw freehand. For
PEN UP, press [Del].
Cursor interval Press 5 (at the top of the keyboard). Press a
[I] cursor key: the cursor moves five pixels. You
can chose any cursor INTERVAL from 1 to 10.
This allows you to move quickly over the
screen, and also to move by equal increments or
draw lines of equal length. Press I to enter
an INTERVAL greater than 10 (up to 99).
Help Screen Press function key F1. The on-line Help Screen
[F1] is displayed. This shows the MAGIC BRUSH
commands arranged in fairly logical groupings,
within the space limitations of the screen.
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MAGIC BRUSH TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Under the section marked ** Colors: you can
Pen color see that [+] will change PEN COLOR. While
[+, -] displaying the Help Screen, press [+]; the
drawing screen returns and the cursor color is
changed. If you move the cursor with PEN DOWN,
you will draw in the new color. Notice that
you can enter your commands directly from the
Help Screen, which makes it a "quasi menu".
Press [+] several times; the cursor cycles
through four colors, including the background
color (cursor invisible).
Pen Thickness With PEN UP ([Del]), select a (visible) PEN
[Ctrl-T] COLOR ([+]). Press Ctrl-T and enter 3 <CR> to
choose a pen THICKNESS of 3. Press [Ins]), and
move the cursor to draw.
Dot mode Press [;] (semicolon) to select "dot' mode.
[;] Select pen down ([Ins]), THICKNESS of 5 (Ctrl-
T), and cursor INTERVAL of 6 (press 6 at the
top of the keyboard). Now move the cursor to
draw "dots" 5 pixels to the side. Change the
THICKNESS or the cursor interval, and try
again. Press [;] again to toggle "dot" mode
Erase screen Clear the screen by pressing Ctrl-Home.
[Ctrl-Home] Now press [U] to restore it. [U], in many
cases "undoes" the last operation if no
Undo intervening keys are pressed (see Reference
[U] Manual for list of operations that can be
reversed with [U]). Make sure pen is up ([Del])
and clear the screen again to start afresh.
Paint Select PEN COLOR cyan ([+]), and pen THICKNESS
[P] 4 (Ctrl-T). Select PEN DOWN ([Ins]), and draw
a polygon or any figure that is fully enclosed.
Select PEN UP, and move the cursor inside the
figure. To paint the inside of the figure
magenta, first select PEN COLOR magenta (([+]),
and press [P]. Enter the number that
corresponds to the the color of the border (1,
in this case, since the polygon sides are cyan)
followed by <CR>. The figure will be painted
magenta. Note that painting is with the
currently selected PEN COLOR and the paint
spreads from the cursor location to the
"border" of the color you specified. If paint
"leaks", that would be because either your
figure was not completely enclosed, or you
entered the wrong number corresponding to the
border color: press [U], make sure your figure
is completely enclosed, then repeat the
operation. (please refer to the Reference
Manual for a more complete explanation).
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MAGIC BRUSH TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Lines To draw Lines between any two points on the
[L] screen, the ends of the lines must first be
Mark points Marked: select PEN UP, place the cursor at the
[M] beginning of the desired line, press [M] to
Mark the point (notice the word "Marked"
flashes in the top left corner of the screen to
confirm that a point was marked). Mark the end
of the desired line ([M]). Select PEN COLOR
([+]), and press [L] to draw the line. Mark
another point, and press [L] to continue the
line. Or mark two new points and draw a line
between them. Press [U] to remove the last
line you have just drawn.
Rectangle Clear the screen (Ctrl-Home). To draw a box or
[R] a Rectangle, Mark first the upper left corner,
next Mark the lower right corner of the
Rectangle. Press [R] to draw a Rectangle.
Change PEN COLOR ([+]), and press [R] to change
its color. Change pen color again, and press
[F] to Fill it with chosen PEN COLOR. Change
pen color again and press [R] to draw a border
(rectangle) around the filled rectangle.
Circle: Clear the screen if you like (Ctrl-Home).
Center Press [C] to draw a circle, its center
& Radius will be the first point marked (top left corner
[C] of the Rectangle drawn above) and the circle
will pass through the second marked point.
Notice that the old marked points remain until
replaced with new points (see Magic Brush
Reference Manual for a complete discussion
Circle: of marked points). Now try to press [D]. A
Diameter circle will be drawn whose diameter lies on the
[D] two marked points. Thus to draw a circle when
you specify its diameter, mark the two points
defining the diameter and press [D].
Cut & Paste Draw any figure. Mark ([M]) the upper left
corner first, then the lower right corner of a
rectangle that contains the figure you want to
cut. To see the exact location of the marked
points and the rectangle that they define,
Status screen press and hold [Shift]. The screen now shows
[Shift] two Status lines (at the top and the bottom)
indicating the current status of many of the
program parameters. The center section of the
screen shows the exact location of the marked
points surrounded by two small circles, and a
diagonal line joining the marked points. Note
that [untitled] appears on the top status line
indicating that the drawing has not yet been
written to disk, and has not been given a name.
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MAGIC BRUSH TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Cut [\] Release the [Shift] key and press [\] to cut the
Paste [/] marked area (speaker "ticks"). Move the cursor to
a new location, and press [/] to paste. Pasting
Paste modes can be done in TRANSPARENT, OPAQUE, or MERGE
[Ctrl-\] modes (selected by pressing Ctrl-\). Try pasting
using the three modes. Once cut, the figure
stays in memory until a new figure is cut (or
until you exit the program); it can therefore
be pasted repeatedly (please refer to the
Reference Manual for a more complete explanation
of the paste function).
Flipping Press Ctrl-V: you will hear a ticking sound as
[Ctrl-H, Ctrl-V, the program flips the figure you had cut
Ctrl-D] vertically; when the ticking sound ceases,
paste again (Ctrl-/). Try Ctrl-H (horizontal
90 degree flip) in a similar manner. Ctrl-D flips along
rotation a diagonal. Combining diagonal, horizontal,
and vertical flips allows you to rotate the cut
figure (and Text, see below) 90 degrees.
Text To add Text, choose PEN COLOR ([+]), then press
[T] [T] and write your text followed by <CR>. Only
one line of text can be entered. Text entered
can now be pasted at the cursor position by
pressing [/]. Multiple lines can be entered
and pasted, one at a time. Any figure you had
previously cut will no longer be in memory (it
will be replaced by the text you entered).
Plot With PEN UP, you can draw or PLOT one point at
[`] a time by pressing [`]. The size of the point
is determined by the pen THICKNESS (Ctrl-T).
Spray Pressing [*] selects SPRAY mode ON or OFF.
[*] Select SPRAY ON, and with PEN DOWN you can
"spray paint". You can experiment with
Spray size different PEN COLORs on the same area. The
[Ctrl-Y] width of the spraY can be selected by pressing
Ctrl-Y. Try PLOTting in SPRAY mode: this
Spray burst provides very good control since it sprays in
[`] single bursts.
Writing to disk Pictures can be Written (saved) to a disk file
[Alt-W] by pressing Alt-W. You should enter a file
name. The program adds an extension .MB to the
name. Press Shift, and note that the name of
the file now appears on the top Status line.
Reading from disk A MAGIC BRUSH picture file can be Read (loaded)
[Alt-R] and displayed on the screen by pressing Alt-R
and entering the name of the file.
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MAGIC BRUSH TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Symbols Draw a figure, mark it, and cut it. Save it on
[Alt-X] your disk as a "symbol": press Alt-XW and enter
a file name (MAGIC BRUSH will add an extension
of .SB). Erase the screen (Ctrl-Home) and draw
another figure, cut it, and paste it somewhere
else on the screen. Now read the "symbol" file
by pressing Alt-XR. It is now "cut" and can be
pasted on the screen ( / ).
Second Screen You can display another screen on which you can
[F6] draw by pressing [F6]. You can quickly toggle
between the two screens using [F6]. You can
cut from one screen and paste on the other.
(Please see the Reference Manual, particularly
with reference to the relationship of marked
points on the two screens.)
Libraries You can display successively a number of
[F7, F8] picture libraries that are included on your
disk by pressing [F7] ([F8] displays them in
reverse sequence). You can cut a figure from
one of these library screens and paste it on
your drawing screen. You can make your own
library screens which you can then access using
[F7] and [F8] (see Reference Manual for details).
Palette To change the color palette you are using,
[Q] press [Q]. Pressing [Q] repeatedly allows you
to cycle through the four palettes available on
the CGA adapter. You can configure MAGIC BRUSH
to always start with the palette of your cnoice
(see the Reference Manual for configuration).
Background color Press [B] repeatedly to cycle through all
[B, V] background colors. [V] allows you to cycle
background colors in the opposite direction.
See the Reference Manual if you would like to
always start MAGIC BRUSH with a background
color different from black-- however BLACK or a
background color that is NOT one of the palette
colors is strongly recommended when drawing
(see Reference Manual for a discussion of this
Other Experiment. Make use of the help screen to
features try out various commands and features. See the
Reference Manual for detailed description of
commands, saving your configuration (including
that for a mouse or joystick), "hints", "in
case of difficulty", etc.
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MAGIC BRUSH TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Printing MAGIC BRUSH does not, at present, have a
printing routine. You can print your picture
if you have a dot-matrix printer compatible
with the IBM Graphics Printer (includes many
Epson printers and other printers that emulate
them). To do so, you must first load
GRAPHICS.COM from your DOS disk, then run Magic
Brush, load a picture, and press Alt-P. Other
graphics screen dump programs are available
that offer more versatility and that support
various printers.
Exiting program To exit Magic Brush, press Ctrl-End. Be
[Ctrl-End] sure to Write (Alt-W) your work to disk before
you exit. Magic Brush reminds you to do so if
you have made changes to either of your drawing
screens and you have not saved these changes
before exiting.
Hints The Reference Manual has a chapter on Hints and
In Case of another on In Case of Difficulty. Please
Difficulty consult those. If you have registered your
copy and if you have further questions, please
do not hesitate to write to me: I will try my
best to help you with Magic Brush. If you
have any suggestions or if you find any bugs
in the program, please let me know so that I
can improve it. Because of the great
commitment in time, effort, and material
expense that goes into not only the initial
writing but also the continuous development and
maintenance of such software, I will be able to
provide support only to registered users.
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MAGIC SHOW TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
MAGIC SHOW allows you to display your pictures as a slide show. You
can instruct MAGIC SHOW to read your MAGIC BRUSH picture files into
memory and display them according to a sequence you design. A simple
script language allows you to control the palette, the background
color, and the duration. You can "program" it to show a different
sequence depending on which key you press. Several vertical "slides"
and "wipes" can be used. This version of MAGIC SHOW allows you to
load over 20 MAGIC BRUSH picture files in memory (depending on the
amount of RAM available), making the program suitable for animation
MS script The MAGIC SHOW script language has much
language greater capability than that of the previous
version, yet remains simple to use. This
improvement, however, makes script files
written for the older version incompatible with
the current version.
Creating a In order to write a MAGIC SHOW program (script
script file file), you will need to use your ASCII editor
or word processor. Make sure you use it to
write an ASCII text file (also variously called
Non-Document mode, Unformatted mode, etc.)
The commands are written one command to a line,
with <CR> pressed at the end of each line.
Script file The file should be given a name with an
name extension of .MS
MAGIC SHOW commands and their syntax are:
/label IFNKEY character,label
BCOLOR color LOAD screen,filename
CLS screen NEXT variable
COPY source,destination PALETTE palette
FOR variable,iterations RETURN
GETKEY SLIDE screen,type
GOTO label WIPE screen,type
IFKEY character,label
Example Following is a very simple example of a MAGIC
SHOW script file. Please refer to the
Reference Manual for many more examples that
illustrate various possibilities.
Let us make a script file which we shall call
EXAMPLE.MS. We will use our editor or word
processor to create an ASCII text file called
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MAGIC SHOW TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
EXAMPLE.MS. In the following, please
substitute for PIC1, PIC2, etc. the actual
names of your MAGIC BRUSH picture files that
you would like to use (these would have the
file name extension .MB, but you do not need to
include the extension, as MAGIC SHOW expects
the files to have the extension .MB):
Script file command explanation
---------- ----------------------------------
PALETTE 1 sets palette
LOAD 0,PIC1 loads file PIC1 and displays it
LOAD 1,PIC2 loads PIC2 into memory location 1
LOAD 2,PIC3 loads PIC3 into memory location 2
PAUSE 2000 pauses (displaying PIC1) for 2 sec
SLIDE 1,10 "slides" PIC2 from mem location 1
BCOLOR 1 changes background color to 1
PAUSE 1000 pauses for 1 second (1000 ms)
PALETTE 3 changes palette to 3
PAUSE 1000 pauses for 1 second
COPY 2,0 moves PIC3 from memory location 2
PAUSE 1000 to the display (0), & pauses.
FOR A,5 repeats following loop 5 times
COPY 1,0
COPY 2,0
save script Now save the file (as EXAMPLE.MS) in ASCII
form. To run it, enter, from DOS:
run MAGIC SHOW MS <CR> and enter the name of the file
(EXAMPLE). MAGIC SHOW should display the
errors slide show you created. If you made a mistake
in typing the script, MAGIC SHOW will display a
message on the screen. In order to help you
locate your error, MAGIC SHOW will also write
the error message in your script file
(EXAMPLE.MS) indicating the position of the
error. You can go back and edit the script
file to correct the error (pay attention to the
spaces or lack of spaces in the example above),
and erase the line containing the error
message. Now run it again.
You can experiment, for example, with more than
3 picture files loaded simultaneously in memory
(depending on the amount of RAM available in
your computer), and try nesting a loop inside
another, and using the other commands to create
a more complex script.
- 7 -
MAGIC SHOW TUTORIAL Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Hint When drawing pictures to be displayed by MAGIC
SHOW as animation, you can take advantage of
the two drawing screens available, and the fact
that marked points are marked on the actual
physical screen regardless of which picture is
actually displayed. MAGIC BRUSH's cut-&-paste
feature allows very accurate control of
location of pasting through single pixel
movement, through the aid of the STATUS screen
(press & hold the shift key), and through the
GOTO screen coordinate command (Ctrl-G).
Registration If you use MAGIC BRUSH or MAGIC SHOW, please
register your copy. Registered users receive a
detailed printed Manual, a special, registered
copy of the latest version of the program,
one year of support by mail, and information on
updates. Registering your copy makes it
possible for me to continue improving the
program (a registration form is included at the
end of this tutorial).
IBM Graphics Printer is a registered trademark
of International Business Machines
Epson is a registered trademark of Epson
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MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
A Note from the Author of Magic Brush
My experience with computers began in 1981 when I was nine years old.
For Christmas that year, I got a SINCLAIR ZX81 computer. I learned
BASIC on the Sinclair.
I then "graduated" to a Commodore 64. The Commodore's powerful
graphics capabilities encouraged me to begin writing programs that
used these capabilities. I wrote several graphics drawing programs
that allowed the user to sketch figures and paint them.
In 1985, when I was 14, we got an IBM PC. MAGIC BRUSH was my first
large program on the IBM PC. The program, written in BASICA, grew in
size and became unwieldy, and I was encouraged to use a compiled
language. So we bought Turbo Pascal, which I learned sufficiently
to rewrite Magic Brush in its present form. I also added MAGIC SHOW
and other ancillary programs which I am distributing as part of the
Magic Brush package and that I hope you will find useful. Magic Brush
is, therefore, the result of several years of learning and hard work
in between school and other activities. I hope that you will find it
helpful in some way. If you do find it useful and use it on a regular
basis, please register the program and encourage your friends to copy
the program (but not the manual, please) and send their registration
fees! The fees will help me, at the very least, in buying disks,
books, printer supplies and software, and may even help with the cost
of my future college education.
I would like to continue to improve the program and to add new
features to make it competitive with other similar programs as my
programming and math get better, and as I receive your suggestions and
support. I already have a number of important improvements in mind
that I will be working on. I will, of course, notify registered users
of new versions of the program when they become available. However, I
can continue doing this only if you, as a user, register the program.
I would like to thank Mr. Jeffrey H. Johnson for explaining to me
(among other things) pointers in Pascal. My younger brother, Karim
(13 years), contributed a lot to the program: he suggested the name
MAGIC BRUSH, and he drew the pictures and libraries supplied with the
program and used in the demo (MBDEMO).
Nassib Nassar
September, 1988
(modified January, 1989)
(modified August, 1989)
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MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Magic Brush History:
Version 1.01 corrects a few errors in version 1.00:
1. When you typed the name of a non-existent MB file on the command
line, you had to clear the screen.
2. When you enter text, you no longer lose previously marked points.
3. In version 1.00 of MAGIC SHOW, PAUSE paused about 0.02 seconds
depending on the the computer. In version 1.01 PAUSE pauses for
1 ms, and is independent of the speed of the computer.
4. The License conditions were added to the README file and to
Version 1.02: circle routine is faster at aspect ratio of 1.00.
Version 1.10:
1. Added ability to read and write part of screen as a "symbol" file.
2. Added diagonal flipping of cut.
3. Added ability to center a figure to be pasted (F2, F4).
4. Modified Software License and opening program information screen.
Version 1.11:
1. Corrected error that caused MAGIC BRUSH to crash when trying to
calibrate joystick if disk was full.
2. Modified README file & added ASP OMBUDSMAN statement.
Version 1.50 (released August, 1989)
I General.
1. A statement of SUPPORT policy has been added in the README file,
in compliance with the requirements of the ASP.
2. The Tutorial has been revised and expanded to include MAGIC SHOW.
3. Some of the example/library files have been replaced with newer
4. The file VENDOR.DOC has been added in accordance with the
suggestions of the ASP.
1. The status screen now shows name of the file currently being
2. A bug which allowed saving an empty symbol file (without having
first made a cut) was corrected.
3. The cursor interval range has been increased to allow intervals
greater than 10 (pressing [I] allows entering intervals up to 99).
4. The file directory (displayed by typing Alt-F) is now shown sorted
5. Library files (F7, F8) are now displayed in alphabetical order by
file name.
6. Program no longer crashes if F7 or F8 is pressed when a very large
number of .LB files is present.
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MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
III MAGIC SHOW has been completely rewritten, with major enhancements
in several areas:
1. The number of screens that can be in memory simultaneously is now
limited only by the amount of free RAM available, improving the
very limited animation capability of earlier versions, and allowing
much enhanced rapid slide changes by reducing delays caused by
frequent reading of files from the disk.
2. The script language has been enhanced significantly, adding
labels, conditional and unconditional branching, subroutines,
nested loops, and other controls and commands, allowing much more
flexible control of the display.
3. The program now writes error messages in the script file itself
identifying the type and location of syntax errors.
4. Vertical "slides" and "wipes" have been added.
* * *
To print the ORDER/REGISTRATION form on your printer, please place the
Magic Brush diskette in drive A:, type:
and press Enter.
- 11 -
MAGIC BRUSH/MAGIC SHOW Copyright (C) 1988,89 Nassib Nassar, SoftBrush
Magic Brush
Registration / Order Form
Please send order form with check or money order to:
Nassib Nassar
4035 Livingstone Pl.
Durham, NC 27707
Name: ______________________________________
City: ___________________ State:___________ Zip:____________
1.5 0124
|Quantity Description Unit Extended |
| | Magic Brush Program & Manual* | $25.00 | |
| | Magic Brush Manual only* | $20.00 | |
| | Magic Brush Trial diskette only**| $ 7.00 | |
| |
| Subtotal $ |
| NC residents please add Sales Tax $ |
| |
| Total $ |
* Includes registration.
** Does not include registration
Prices subject to change without notice.
Magic Brush will be shipped post free within the continental
Please indicate diskette size:
___ 5.25" diskette ___ 3.5" diskette